Filter Replacement Services in Marquette

Dirty air filters can cause allergies and other airborne illnesses if you’re not careful. Schedule AC & furnace filter replacement today!

It’s no surprise that dirty air can make us sick. But did you know that a dirty air filter can be the culprit behind your high energy bills? It’s important for our health and budget to keep our AC and furnace filters clean. At Swick Home Services, we understand the importance of clean indoor air. Whether you’re looking to improve the air quality in your home or the performance from your HVAC system, our staff can help you make the most of your system with convenient air filter replacements.

Need more help keeping your HVAC system in good working order? Be sure to ask about our AC maintenance services today!

The Benefits of a Clean Air Filter

There are many benefits to keeping your home’s air filters clean. Some of these benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Improved Air Quality: It’s estimated that the air we breathe indoors is up to five times more polluted than the air we breathe outside. An air filter’s job is to reduce the amount of debris and allergens that enter and circulate in our homes so when they are dirty, they can’t exactly keep us protected.
  • Money Saver: A dirty air filter that has trapped debris causes your AC or furnace work a lot harder to do its job. This means that it needs to consume even more energy just to operate, increasing energy costs and draining your wallet.
  • Increased Need for Repairs: When our air filters become clogged, the airflow is decreased meaning the components of your cooling or heating system can quickly get worn out. This decreases the life of your AC/furnace and increases the need for frequent repairs.

If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies and respiratory issues, keeping up with your filter replacement schedule is the best way to help. At Swick Home Services, we understand you have enough to worry about, so let us handle your routine filter replacement needs!

How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter?

To keep your home free of floating allergens and contaminants caused by a dusty air filter, Swick Home Services recommends that you change your filters at least once a month. This will increase the life of your AC/furnace and ensure that your family stays warm during the winter and cool during the summer. Some additional signs that it’s time to replace your filters include:

  • You notice dust around the air filters or your home is dustier than normal
  • You and your family frequently get sick or feel congested
  • You can smell the odor of dust in your home
  • Mold or mildew is present around your AC/furnace

Looking for a better way to heat your home without air? Ask our staff whether or not a radiant heating system is right for you.

Call Us Today!

Swick Home Services is here to cater to all of your air filter needs to ensure that your home is receiving the best air quality possible. If you take your health seriously, now is the time to look into air filter replacement services. If you’re looking for HVAC professionals you can trust, look no further. Here at Swick Home Services, we provide quality service with 100% satisfaction guaranteed on every job.

Does your family constantly feel congested or do you notice more dust around your home than usual? Call Swick Home Services at (906) 228-3400 and enjoy convenient filter replacements today!